[Ford Fiesta I]

The welcoming page of fiesta1.de.
Everything about the history of the Ford Fiesta I.
Everything about the technical specifications of the Ford Fiesta I.
The Ford Fiesta I in the Preß.
Ads & Brochures of the Ford Fiesta I.
Useful tips, tricks and information concerning the Ford Fiesta I.
Links and literature concerning the Ford Fiesta I.
The space where to exchange your parts, opinions and knowledge.
The gloßary of topics, names and places.
Pictures of the Ford Fiesta I.
Downloads of material about the Ford Fiesta I.
An email form for contacting fiesta1.de.
Copyright information, thanks for help, and legal disclaimer.
Sitemap & Search

09.06.2013 - During the last weeks this site has undergone a number of technical changes. Moreover, all pages moved to fiesta1.de - before, large parts had been hosted on an external server. Unfortunately, the upload of images for the "Market" and "Your Fiestas" section is still not working. I will keep you posted.

Yours, Stephan Zander, www.fiesta1.de

Welcome to www.fiesta1.de. On these pages, everything revolves round the first version of the small car built 1976-1983. Since February 2001, when these pages went online, a lot has changed. Due to a lot of helpful visitors who have supplied me with information and material, this archive could grow considerably in a short time.

This site is a private one and not an official site of Ford Motor Company or any of its subsidiaries.

I hope you'll enjoy visiting these pages!
Stephan Zander

P.S.: All dates are European, i.e. dd.mm.yyyy!

PLEASE NOTE: In some cases, the pages of this site cannot be viewed with NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR 3.x or 4.x (all pages which do not have a content of their own but only links to other pages). In these cases, all pages containing information should be accessible directly via the Sitemap.

+++ Some time ago... +++ Some time ago... +++

What happened on
16. February
concerning the Fiesta? more...

+++ New in the "Your Fiestas" section +++

1980 Ford Fiesta Mk1 more...
+++ New at fiesta1.de +++

New Place your entry in the "Your Fiestas" section more...
New Search for items in the "Your Fiestas" section more...

Update Geschichte more...

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