All posts are the responsibility of the authors as indicated. Great job. A lot of success in the future to your resource!! written by: qlpl@yahoo.com, 16.06.2006 - 20.19 CET/CEST Just found on media.ford.com - 0.42 is the Mk1 aerodynamics :) I'm now restoring red Mk1 1983 in Russia. written by: Dmitry, 16.06.2006 - 09.12 CET/CEST This seems to be the best Fiesta site! My first car way back in 1988 was a '78 Fiesta. This is a rare car in the US these days. I just bought an '80 "S" from the original owner. written by: Chad, 21.05.2006 - 07.15 CET/CEST i have an little fiesta too ct-01-lcc written by: hakz, 06.05.2006 - 19.30 CET/CEST i have an little fiesta too written by: hakz, 06.05.2006 - 19.29 CET/CEST Hi! Great site! Does someone know what is the Mk1 aerodynamics coefficient Cx ? written by: Dmitry, 13.04.2006 - 08.52 CET/CEST Great site, usefull colour guides, found nowhere else on the net! Long live the MK1 written by: MaxG, 30.01.2006 - 13.48 CET/CEST What a great site!! I bought a Fiesta MK I Sport new in November of 1979. I still have it parked in my garage. The engine needs rebuilding. I can't wait to get it back on the road. Thanks for all of the great photographs of so many beautiful Fiestas. It is still the best car ever built. Greg written by: Greg H, 10.09.2005 - 09.29 CET/CEST What a great site!! I bought a Fiesta MK I Sport new in November of 1979. I still have it parked in my garage. The engine needs rebuilding. I can't wait to get it back on the road. Thanks for all of the great photographs of so many beautiful Fiestas. It is still the best car ever built. Greg written by: Greg H, 10.09.2005 - 09.13 CET/CEST ddddduuuuudddddeeeessssss,. written by: rodney, 21.07.2005 - 18.55 CET/CEST I had a 1980 model Fiesta...best car I ever drove. Wish they would bring it back to the states. I'd buy one again in a flash. written by: William, 28.04.2005 - 19.19 CET/CEST Hello, I bought my 78 Sport new in August of 78 which was about the first week available in Southern California. It is orange. I don't know how many miles are on it as the odometer has quit. It must be 225000. The engine has not been touched, but it is getting quite tired. At the moment, I am trying to fix my temperature gage. A new sender and a new gage didn't help and the wiring has continuity. Perhaps I damaged the new gage? Thanks, Ken written by: Hangtown Ken, 15.04.2005 - 01.06 CET/CEST hey everyone! it's nice to see a lot of pictures, but need assistance with electrical wiring of my fiesta... the problem? can't find it anywhere in the world... by the way saludos desde Mexico... written by: Sergio Guzman, 22.02.2005 - 04.46 CET/CEST Hello everyone. Nice to see so many Fiesta fans. They are scarce in the United States. I own 14 cars in various levels of condition. My parents bought a new 1978 yellow one and another new yellow 1980. This was not as impressive when I was 10 years old as it is now. The 1980 was just retired about 3 years ago and served my father, sisters, and me very well through the years with minimal trouble and maximum abuse. The website is very nice and thank you for the English translation. I hope that some of you may be able to help me find parts. It would be great if I could return the favor, but Europe seems to have had all the good parts from the beginning. Hope to see some of your cars. Thanks. written by: Patrick, 18.02.2005 - 02.09 CET/CEST hello : can somebody tell me , what the oldest fiesta alive is ?? mine is from 20 september 1976 i live in holland please tell me everything ?!! greetings jordy written by: jordy de reus, 04.01.2005 - 22.36 CET/CEST Hi I have a MK1 XR2 (82), would be interested in contacting people who have spares etc written by: Colin, 08.10.2004 - 08.54 CET/CEST Greetings from Italy. I'm the proud owner of a Mk1 1979 Ford Fiesta 1100 SUPERSPORT Replica, with a five speed gearbox, a complete X-PACK kit on the engine and a complete vintage Supersprint exhaust. A very very fast little car. When I drive it I feel like Bodie & Doyle (do you remember "the Professionals"?) Ciao to all Fiesta Fans written by: Mr. Andrea MONTANARO, 02.09.2004 - 00.03 CET/CEST Greetings from Serbia! I have lovely metallic silver 1979 Ford fiesta 1.0 LC. She is currently on a full restoration and general repair. Engine is tuned up to 60ps with 957ccm. Everything on the car (except carburetor and engine head) is a ford fiesta 1 original! Head belongs to fiesta1 1.3 Carburetor is taken from Zastava 101. Soon I’ll put another one, so I’m expecting about 65-70ps! written by: Nemanja, 23.08.2004 - 02.23 CET/CEST I have a lovely red 1980 1.1 Fiesta, it has MK2 seats installed and XR2 pepperpot alloys. Unfortunately, after failing it's MOT in March 2000, it has been stored in a friends garage, awaiting renovation. Other than it's MOT failures [which were pretty standard] it is in excellent condition [or was 4 years ago]. It will probably has sustained some degree of rot since it has been stored, but the garage is dry and it has been left with the battery disconnected and the hand brake off. I now need a new home for my beloved friend, and I can't find one! Anyone got any ideas? I could only store it outside where it would just rot away in the English elements, so unfortunately, if no home is found, I will have to scrap it!!!!! Help! written by: Joanna Forkins, 28.07.2004 - 16.01 CET/CEST In the "Galleries"/"Your Fiestas" section you can now upload photos and information concerning your Fiestas. In the "Market" section you can now upload your offer or request. Regards, Stephan @ fiesta1.de written by: Stephan @ fiesta1.de, 18.07.2004 - 15.17 CET/CEST Congratulations for your try, to be always first the old and the good times of cars :) Love from Greece written by: Giorgos, 10.05.2004 - 10.02 CET/CEST Excellent page!! I'm from Spain, and I really like cars from the 60's and 70's, and very specially the Fiesta, built in Valencia since 1976. The factory was opened officially by Henry Ford II and the King of Spain, and the first car made in it, as you will all imagine, was the Fiesta. It was the first Ford's experience in Spain since the 20's, and the moto for the brand new Fiesta was: "Fiesta. Nacido Fuerte" (Fiesta: born strong). written by: Diego, 03.05.2004 - 14.34 CET/CEST Hi! I think this site is great!! I'm from Miskolc, Hungary. written by: _Zoli_, 11.04.2004 - 21.07 CET/CEST Hello to everyone. I am Francisco from Spain. I have an mk1 Fiesta from 1979. I would like to mend it and put new parts in it.Could you give advice to me? See you soon. written by: Francisco García-Carpintero, 02.04.2004 - 19.18 CET/CEST Can you still get trim parts such as around the windows, side moldings, and mirrors both right and left, also complete tail light assemblies right and left and if so where. Thank you, Bob written by: Bob Chabot, 10.03.2004 - 15.03 CET/CEST excellent site! thanks for the english translation! i look forward to seeing the readers cars. :) written by: Chris Luxton, 19.02.2004 - 17.01 CET/CEST Hi - I am the proud owner of 2 mk 1 Fiesta's, one is the car featured in your Crayford Autocar leaflet of 1981 and the other is another convertable done on the crayford plans by F English in Dorset. These took over the production from Crayford. Keep up the good work and I will try and email you some pics. Trevor written by: trevor neale, 18.02.2004 - 19.47 CET/CEST Hi! Does anyone know, how rare is 1978, 1300 ghia fiesta with vinyl top. http://pasleh.tripod.com/vinyyli.jpg http://pasleh.tripod.com/ghia.jpg written by: Pasi, 23.01.2004 - 13.49 CET/CEST Hello I'm from Romania and I have two cars Ford Fiesta both 1.6 Diesel 1986. If anyone know where are the serial number (but not the one is near the passenger seat) if there are other hiden serial number (the chassy number) please write to me. Thanks a lot. written by: Stefan Podaru, 16.01.2004 - 13.59 CET/CEST hi all .me mk1 fiesta 1760 motor twin 40s go;s very welllllllllllll,needs a lot of welding 4 m.o.t will do it over the winter?? good fun. written by: phill, 25.12.2003 - 19.34 CET/CEST Visit www.fordlemon.com written by: fordlemon, 17.12.2003 - 18.07 CET/CEST Good site, not enough info on Supersports though!!!!! written by: Mathu Barker, 16.12.2003 - 16.12 CET/CEST Just bought a Mk1 Fiesta 1.3 ss ingood condition just wondering if anyone out there knows how many were made in the Uk as they did not make them long before we got the XR2. written by: Matt, 11.12.2003 - 19.19 CET/CEST My mother bought a new 1.1L Fiesta in October 1982. The car has covered only 12,000 miles. It looks like new (from a distance) but there are minor blemishes and surface rust that could be dealt with easily by a competent body man. The interior is like new. It is metallic green and is on original Michelin ZX tyres. Bit of an occasional running problem that seems to be fuel related - perhaps the tank needs cleaning or replacement. Unfortunately we have no place to keep her and she will have to be sold (the car not my mother). Looking for a good home to be kept properly by an enthusiast. There can't be many around in this condition - or if there is I have not seen them! Suggested price £500. If interested please contact me. Based in South England. written by: Andy McLaren, 06.12.2003 - 10.49 CET/CEST Hi I'm from Poland. My beauty Fiesta is an Mk1 Xr2 with titan blue paint. We are still knowing each other. Someday the car will be 100 % original (tuning of such a great car is a crime) ......... still working on it - someone has tried to tune it now I'm fighting with that modifications. Need help with restoring your Mk1 Xr2 ? Maybe I can help you. Know German & English (and Polish of course) written by: MikeB4, 02.12.2003 - 00.25 CET/CEST I bought my 1980 Fiesta this autumn.She has that beautiful Java Green colour,altough paint is very wornout and has many scrathes it still look for me much better that those new posh cars.I think colour gives me very nostalgig seventies feeling.She has 950cc 45ps engine in very good shape.At first I thought engine wasn`t so good untill I chekked ignition advance and surprise surprise it was about 40 degrees too early.You can imagine how it felt when I test drove car after I put the advance right.It was like there was a new engine under the bonnet.It still has much to work out like brakes and some body work.Most of the people could say it´s not very reasonable to repair 300e car.First of all i think old cars have something that you can´t buy at new cars.And second Shirley (named after Shirley Manson ´cause she has an attidute) kicks those Mercedes and BMW asses.She is my little getaway car and I love her. P.S. These sites RULE! written by: J.J. Tanhu, 21.11.2003 - 13.48 CET/CEST hi from pozzuoli,italy!!!! beautiful site,one of the bests about ford fiesta mk1!my family had 2 fiesta mk1.a 957 cc casual of 1982 and 1983 quartz 957 cc red bought used in 1992 in substitution of 1982's.this year,on may,my mother have changed the 83's with a new fiesta 1.2 16v ghia 3 doors moon dust silver.but i always remember my two fiestas mk1. :(((( I'm a fan of this car because since i was born on 1984 i always had a fiesta!!!!!Also my aunt had a fiesta mk1 957cc(if i don't wrong) and a 1993 1.1 boston.I re-want a fiesta mk1!!!! i love it!!! written by: Michele, 06.10.2003 - 23.09 CET/CEST Nice site! You should check out www.buyautomotive.com They have, car covers, classic car covers, car bras, classic car bras dash mats, tonneau covers , seat covers, tire covers, floor mats and many other auto accessories and products at excellent prices. I think it would be good to add this link to your site. www.buyautomotive.com Butch M. Waingro written by: www.buyautomotive.com, 27.09.2003 - 14.14 CET/CEST I need help!!! Ignition trouble. I have replaced Ignition Module and coil. All tests in ford troubleshooting manual check out except the voltage on the primary ignition is only 9V while cranking. When the starter is released it will fire a couple of times. Could it be the starter soelinoid draining the power? e-mail with any advice!!!! written by: Duane Bailey, 16.09.2003 - 16.31 CET/CEST it's good to know I'm not the only "mad of fiesta" person around... I now own my third fiesta. I've had a 79' model that somebody had stolen from me one night... :-( , then I bought a 86' model, and now owning a 94' 1400. ....great car, and a great site! written by: michal, 22.07.2003 - 22.36 CET/CEST Hello from Poland ! I'v just visited your site and I really enjoy it :) It's nice to know that Fiesta Mk1 is still alive in our hearts :) I'm a Fiesta's 1,6 D 1984 user ( Mk2 - so sorry ;) By the way - there is a link to a Polish Fiesta Club - www.kwarcowy.republika.pl Everyone's invited :) written by: Michael , 15.07.2003 - 08.47 CET/CEST Hello, WHAT A GREAT SITE! Bye! Tim Treffers written by: Tim Treffers, 08.07.2003 - 12.11 CET/CEST I have a 1978 Fiesta, 24,000 mi. I am the 2nd owner having recieved this car from my uncle when he stopped driving. Runs good, very, very little rust, (R/H front fender by battery,and some nice person hit the left rear window with a BB so it is shattered. I need to let this car go. Is there any interest out there ? What are they worth ? I am in the western burb's of Chicago. Carl written by: Carl B., 02.05.2003 - 21.25 CET/CEST I have just bought a mk1 fiesta 58.000 miles on the clock full service history need 2 engine mounts but not a problem .just looking at mk1 sites and came by here you no how it is m8 cu written by: scott, 25.03.2003 - 18.54 CET/CEST I have just bought a mk1 fiesta 58.000 miles on the clock full service history need 2 engine mounts but not a problem .just looking at mk1 sites and came by here you no how it is m8 cu written by: scott, 25.03.2003 - 18.50 CET/CEST I built a 78 Fiesta for my daughter Karen 17 to race in Michigan rallies. Karen finished the sno-drift pro rally January 2003, the frist time out. She also took fastest time of the day in a ice race later in the season. Pictures of the Fiesta, (nick named skittles car) at the rally can be seen at http://www.stcimages.com/ The next improvement I would like to make on the skittles car is a limited slip differential, any one know of a used one? Any help with the car, parts, sponsorship, or race crew people would be greatly appreciated. written by: Mike Purzycki, 25.03.2003 - 12.46 CET/CEST Great site! My dad bought me fiesta for 3500 kr. It was kept well and I learned to drive with it. Before us it belonged to an ex-racer who had performed it a little so it rides like a little rocket. It doesn`t take gas, oil, it is really a great car. It was 2 years at HEVO teakm where they ``fixed```it (it stood in the yard for 2 years and lost some parts, it is really rusty now and has holes on it`s body). Now it belongs ulmost to me and I had a great suffer to bring it back home, because dad didn`t want it back. After 2 years at yard, battery dead, front right wheel ulmost coming off (it had came off once) it worked when I put A-72 gas on it! Amazing little car. I can`t drive it in the future because it has no documents, but I will aluays remember that car. FIESTA RULEZ :-) By the way, could someone sell me 1981 fiesta manual or only a schematic of electric system? I`m an estonian actually, so excuse because of some mistakes in the letter. written by: Arni, 18.03.2003 - 17.58 CET/CEST my grandfather left with my dad a 79 yellow fiesta when he passed away, its been around here for over 10 yrs w/o doing much, and recently my mom is trying to talk dad into giving the car away, and i hate to see it go, afterall, i learned how to drive a stick with this car. so i have the intention of asking my dad to give it to me, so right now im needing more information as to what is available for this US fiesta as far performance/restoration as goes....if anyone has any pointers or leads, please email me, thanks Ray written by: Ray, 11.03.2003 - 08.38 CET/CEST I own a 1980 Fiesta mk1 lovely little care just put 4-2-1 headers and xr2 intake with a 36 dgv carb. I live in the Idaho (usa) and am looking to form a northwest crossflow club for both Fiesta owners and Cortina owners please email me if your interested. thanks written by: James Allison, 07.03.2003 - 17.37 CET/CEST A 1979 Model was my first car. It was totaled by being rear-ended. These cars are almost extinct now here in the USA. written by: Chad, 17.02.2003 - 13.45 CET/CEST From Spain. I'm the proud owner of a Fiesta 1300 S. 22 years and 300.000 Km. It is my every day car. Never had a so hard car. written by: Jacobo de Pedro, 07.01.2003 - 10.24 CET/CEST we have the most beutiful car of the workd :):):):):):) and the faster:P:P:P:P:P written by: fiestakias, 29.09.2002 - 16.15 CET/CEST Fantastic site! I have just bought my ninth car, a 1978 1.1L here in the UK. It's done 21,000 miles (apparently - 5-digit mileometers!!!), is rusty as all hell, but cost me just £100 (EUR160) with 8 months MOT (UK equivalent of TUV). It'll do for a couple of months! I'm glad to find such an excellent information source for the car! written by: Richard Welfare, 15.07.2002 - 13.56 CET/CEST I need certain parts of ford fiesta 1982 model 1. Tie rod ends 2. Ball joints written by: Khizer Idrees, 12.07.2002 - 12.09 CET/CEST Hello from France, yesterday I bought a Ford Fiesta MK I 1979. It's my third Fiesta but the first MK I. She looks like a new one and your site makes me one more time proud of being a Ford fiesta's owner, thank you. written by: JOLY Raphael, 15.05.2002 - 13.35 CET/CEST Very good site. I love your 1.3 Ghia. I have a silver 1.3 ghia in Silver with Black vinyl roof with 55,000mls. written by: N igel rawson, 26.04.2002 - 18.44 CET/CEST spitting=>struggling through, ;-) written by: Robert, 14.04.2002 - 10.27 + 2:00 CET After spitting through five pages in Google I found this site, but its just what i'm looking for. Perfect! Keep on the good work! written by: Robert, 14.04.2002 - 10.25 + 2:00 CET I recently purchased the "Healey Fiesta". The car now resides in California. written by: Bob Segui, 05.04.2002 - 01.11 + 2:00 CET Best Fiestasite!!.. written by: Markku Heikkala, 03.04.2002 - 07.29 + 2:00 CET A very informative website. I just bought a Ford Fiesta 1.1 royal 1882 with 72000 km. It is a really nice car. Bye written by: Maurits, 27.03.2002 - 11.21 + 2:00 CET I love Ford Fiestas and everything about them, so this webside is great! written by: Kel, 19.03.2002 - 23.14 + 2:00 CET more info fiesta mk1cabrio bieber. written by: willem wiielinga, 14.03.2002 - 19.32 + 2:00 CET Splendid situated WEB, dedicated to the mythical Ford Fiesta MK1! The my first auto has stayed a Fiesta Casual 957c.c of the 1983, that I have lost 1999 in an accident in the November, I am missing so much very handsome era, a true dragon of the road. Hi to all W the Ford Fiesta!!! written by: Angelo (Sardynia), 04.01.2002 - 16.54 + 2:00 CET Gut. And in Spain, what happend??. Where is the page of the Spains Ford Fiesta?? written by: Xavi, 30.12.2001 - 14.41 + 2:00 CET from Miami florida 1980 fiesta 642,000 miles. still running strong written by: Mark Rios, 20.11.2001 - 07.21 + 2:00 CET Nice web!!!!!!!!! written by: Pedro, 30.10.2001 - 17.08 + 2:00 CET Brilliant site. Full of fascinating information. Well done, I'll be back to check for updates regularly. http://www.zetecinside.com written by: Graham, 25.10.2001 - 11.57 + 2:00 CET I've been visiting this site since the day I bought my first fiesta (1988 mk2, 957cc) one year ago. It’s a reference in quality and good taste. I now own an mk3 Golf that only gets me into trouble - I miss my fiesta, it's a great little car. My younger brother is now using it. It still kicks ass. written by: Gonçalo Dumas, 08.10.2001 - 15.35 + 2:00 CET Hi, Great site! I've enjoyed every page. I've been driving Fiestas since the early 80's. Now I don't enjoy driving anything else. FIESTA= Simply the best inexpensive car ever built! I am the sponsor of the Fiesta Fest meet witch is held every summer in Massachusetts, USA. Please email me at; guitartech@earthlink.net for more information about this event, or see our Fiesta Fest 2000 web site at: http://home.earthlink.net/~guitartech/ff2kindex.html written by: Dean Forman, 04.10.2001 - 04.53 + 2:00 CET Hurrah! It works. So now it's your turn! ;-) written by: Stephan, 30.09.2001 - 22.22 + 2:00 CET So let's see if it works... written by: Stephan, 30.09.2001 - 22.22 + 2:00 CET |