Ford Fiesta I > Preße > Fiesta Derivate > "'Fiesta' Made More Savage, But More Attractive." (Fi1V 108)
The automobile's original fascination was principally in the exciting fun it offered. Technological innovation has since made the automobile an indispensable tool of modern life, but this development has not been free from problems. One answer to this predicament was offered by Ford Fiesta, which came with the mißion of answering the needs of today's car centered civilization. And it is scoring a big succeß. Ford is expecting Fiesta to prove to be the champion of international car busineß. In the project development stage, the cooperation of design organs scattered throughout the world was requested and secured. As a result, a product with a value acceptable to the people of any country was produced, meeting the light reduction and fuel economy needs. Furthermore, it was designed in such a way that, no matter in what country it was aßembled with differing local specifications, it would still retain its original qualitative identity. These conditions may exemplify the tasks imposed on all production cars to fulfill today. The production of cars under such conditions, however, tends to result in the loß of the "heart" and the victory of the "brain." Cars come without the warmth and fun aspects that were some of the indispensable qualities of earlier cars. The inexhaustible interest cars used to offer is fading today as is the beauty of brittle subtlety that also was an integral quality of a car. This page in English - Druckversion - nach oben - Startseite |